Deodorant. You don't want to be smelly after gym or a work out. So it's good to always have this in your purse or locker.
Oil remover wipes. Good to have for hot days and days when your going to be very busy. There really easy and nice to just take away that oily shine.
Chap stick. Never want to be with out this it is always needed.
Concealer. You just never know what kind of day your face is going to be having..Good to have handy.
Mascara. Always good to give you that awake and more put together look.
A little lip stick or lip gloss never hurt anyone. When your make up looks right it just gives you more confidence.
For that time of month.. you know what you need ;)
Hand sanitizer. You want to stay clean and healthy. It's always a good thing to have on you. (bath and body works has the best smells)

Tide to go. Best thing ever for those of us who are a little messier/clumsier.
Hair brush, bobby pins and hair ties. Whatever your hair may need.. You never really know what kinda day your hair is gonna have..
Okay guys thats all! Hope this helps! xox~Liv
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