Here are the 6 staple shoes that I think every women should own.
Shoes are essential to everyday life, "No shirt no SHOES no service" right? There are so many different shoes out there but so many are useless and impractical. here are some basics that every wardrobe should have. And then from there you can build upon that.
( The pictures I'm posting are my own personal style, I'm not saying these are the exact kind you have to get.)
1. Basic flats:
Every girl needs a pair of basic flats that can be dressed up or down and are comfy for those long days. You can go very basic with this or be a little more unique in your style. It's whatever you want. Simple as that.
2. A nice pair of heels:
Every girl needs at LEAST one pair of heels. This may seem frighting to some, thinking 'No I don't need to own heels; I hate heels. Well, they are a good thing to own for those special occasions and rare events. They can dress up any outfit. Plus they'll make your legs look rocking. Stay with a solid color for your first pair.
3. Tennis Shoes:
We gotta have those comfy shoes and they are essential for our work outs, right ladies?
Tennis shoes are so fun these days. No more basic grandma sneakers. You can get ones that express your style in a more fun way. So cool!
4. Fun Shoes:
What I mean by 'Fun shoes' is a pair of shoes that totally fit you and your style; ones that go with a lot in your wardrobe and can be worn dressed up or down.
5.Seasonal shoes:
Summer and Winter shoes are so drastically different (DUH) you need sandals in the summer and boots for the winter. It is really as simple as that. Just get whatever suits your style and needs for that season. Depending on where you live you may only need one or the other.

6. Shoes of trade:
Work shoes. Shoes that are perfect for whatever job you may have. For some of you it may be one of the ones I've already listed. For me its heels or sneakers. (depending on the day.)
As for Accessories, well thats a whole other post. ;)